The creator of Minecraft, Markus "Notch" Persson, has created a humorous simulator of life during a 48-hour competition.
The game is a very simple text-based-only web game in which you can grow from one life status to the next one. Everyone begins with being “nothing,” and from there moves on to become “something.” What you ultimately will become depends on your personal priorities in life.
Stress-free toddler or an ambitious life?
Depending on your choices, you can turn out to be a stress-free toddler with infinitely accumulating knowledge and memory points, or choose to endure a broken heart and give up your friends in order to earn ambition, respect and money.
If you go on to develop your life in this simulation, you will realize the irony of the choices that dictate our lives through the various costs and sacrifices that you will have to pay along the way.

Click the link underneath to try the game out for yourself: