Social Media has become an integral part of our daily internet use. More and more information reaches us via platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Moreover, these platforms often function as a starting point where users start their browsing journey. Because of this development, advertising on social media is becoming increasingly more attractive.
Advertise directly on the timelines of your target audience
Based on their users’ profile characteristics, activities, and interests that social media platforms keep track of, it is possible to both get a very accurate overview of potential target audiences, and to reach them in an effective manner. Your ad will directly show up for an audience that is relevant to you, in a place where this audience already spends much of its time. Meanwhile, social media advertising also helps your branding, because together with your own social media page, your brand will be seen more regularly and thus recognized faster.
Profile characteristics, activities, and insterets
Each social media platform has different strengths regarding their target audience directability, multimedia ability, reach, and interaction. Also the demographic characteristics of social media users vary per platform. Hence, the possibilities are enormous; for every audience there is a social media channel that can be employed to present your advertisement(s) to the right target audience. At Rocket Minds we can help you with your target audience analysis in order to pick the right social media channel for an effective advertisement campaign.
Technical SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Technical optimization is often a neglected element within SEO. Yet, just like any other element, it aids the Google indexing, and thus visibility, of your website.

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Content optimization
Content optimization is an important aspect of the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your website. It is the longest lasting aspect, for in order to keep your website relevant, you have to keep adding new optimized content to your website. Google always checks the speed and other technical aspects of your website, but for Google - and for your visitors of course - it is also important to find interesting and relevant content on your website. Content includes text and titles, but also images and other media files, which should all have a certain description, frequency of keywords, size, etc. in order to be optimized for Google.

Google AdWords Campaigns
By advertising with Google Ads, you can draw attention to your online platform in Google. Based on your objectives, we will perfrom a search engine analysis in order to define the marketing campaign that will yield the best results for you.
Of course, everyone can make a Google AdWords campaign by himself as well. The idea behind outsourcing it, however, is that the campaign is optimized by having professionals managing it. In the end, this will bring your Cost per Click (CPC) down while your sales go up, leaving you with more time and net profit in the end than when you would manage your own campaign.
Adwords = Strategy = Experimentation. The biggest AdWords profits come through fundamental shifts in tactics. Everybody follows the same rules for Google, which is why the single most important AdWords activity is the one no one is talking about - constant R&D and experimentation.