E-mail marketing is an online marketing tool where commercial messages are sent directly via e-mail to a target audience. Newsletters, which are generally used to keep (potential) customers and/or staekholders up-to-date on sales, carreers, and the latest developments, are also part of e-mail marketing.
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When to use E-mail marketing
1. Send e-mails to improve your customer relationships. This can be used to target both current and former customers. In effect, you will improve customer loyalty and stimulate customers to make (repeat) purchases.
2. Send an e-mail to attract new customers.
3. Use e-mail marketing to attract visitors to your website, which will help you to score better in search engines such as Google (SEO).
4. If you have (special) advertisements, you can add these to your e-mails in order to stimulate sales.
Technical SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Technical optimization is often a neglected element within SEO. Yet, just like any other element, it aids the Google indexing, and thus visibility, of your website.

Quality of E-mail marketing. How not to become a spammer
While there are certainly advantages to e-mail marketing, there are also disadvantages. There are companies, for example, that send too many unsolicited (spam) e-mails. In addition, there are many organizations that fake their identity in order to scam their readers. This makes it extra difficult to distinguish between spam and real online marketing. Even if you don’t violate any laws, you may still be blacklisted if certain e-mail managers feel that you’re sending spam.
Thus, since the margin between spam and e-mail marketing is so small, it is important to always comply by the anti-spam laws, and to only send marketing e-mails if: you truly have something (new) to say, you have something to add to the customer relationship, or you have actual discounts to promote.
Content optimization
Content optimization is an important aspect of the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your website. It is the longest lasting aspect, for in order to keep your website relevant, you have to keep adding new optimized content to your website. Google always checks the speed and other technical aspects of your website, but for Google - and for your visitors of course - it is also important to find interesting and relevant content on your website. Content includes text and titles, but also images and other media files, which should all have a certain description, frequency of keywords, size, etc. in order to be optimized for Google.

Google AdWords Campaigns
By advertising with Google Ads, you can draw attention to your online platform in Google. Based on your objectives, we will perfrom a search engine analysis in order to define the marketing campaign that will yield the best results for you.
Of course, everyone can make a Google AdWords campaign by himself as well. The idea behind outsourcing it, however, is that the campaign is optimized by having professionals managing it. In the end, this will bring your Cost per Click (CPC) down while your sales go up, leaving you with more time and net profit in the end than when you would manage your own campaign.
Adwords = Strategy = Experimentation. The biggest AdWords profits come through fundamental shifts in tactics. Everybody follows the same rules for Google, which is why the single most important AdWords activity is the one no one is talking about - constant R&D and experimentation.