These days, a corporate website is the best way to make your company stand out on the internet.
A corporate website is complex and serves as the official digital representation of a company. It shows the business’ purpose and provides comprehensive information about the company to both its customers/clients and its partners/suppliers. This information includes the company’s scope and activities, and the products and/or services that are being offered. Furthermore, a product catalogue and additional services together with a forum, voting polls, and mailings are often integrated in corporate websites as well.
1Searching for new customers, partners, and stakeholders
2Searching for new employees
3Consolidating the corporate image
4Providing easy and fast communication with clients, partners, and stakeholders
5Serving as a rich content and management platform
The content of a corporate website depends on the goals and tasks that a company seeks to accomplish. In the creation of a corporate website, it is important to take the features, advantages, and specializations of the company into account. Therefore, it is important to let your corporate website be developed by professional specialists.
A corporate website can also serve as an advertising platform. The benefit of a corporate website – compared to other types of advertising – is that it immediately informs the target group about the company’s products and services. In effect, the corporate website provides a high efficiency, low cost, form of advertising.
Application platforms
These days, app stores constitute the main market to publish new digital products. Almost everyone owns a smartphone nowadays and these are generally used more often than computers. This is the main reason why you should consider facilitating mobile access for your current and new customers and/or clients to your organization
Due to the fast progress in technology - a mobile application can be coded in multiple ways now. The most commonly used codes are the native programming languages of the operating systems: Swift or C for iOS, and Java for Android. When building an app in one of those native languages - a native application - you can easily make use of multiple native functionalities of those devices. However, the downside of a native applications are the costs, because in order to cater to both the iOS and the Android market, a separate application must be built for each operating system.
The best way to prevent these extra costs is to develop a “web-based” or “hybrid” application instead. With new extensive web technologies such as React Native or Ionic framework, applications can be built for multiple operating systems with just one codebase.
iOS apps
iOS applications are developed for all Apple mobile devices, such as iPhones and iPads. A native iOS application can be built in one of Apple’s two programming languages - Swift or C. Keep in mind that the infrastructure and ecosystem of Apple requires you to have an Apple Developer account before you can start developing. Also, on iOS devices you cannot install applications in progress like you can on an Android phone.
Android apps
The environment for Android apps is simpler. There are no real restrictions here on technology, ecosystem or code. However, what makes Android app development a bit more complicated is the compatibility. Where Apple has a limited amount of devices that you will have to make your apps for, Android is an open-source operating system and has therefore no device limits. This means that you will have to do a lot of (compatibility) testing for all kinds of devices and Android versions.
Web-based apps
React Native and Ionic frameworks are increasing in popularity lately. These frameworks allow you to build one app that works on all operating systems (iOS, Android, and even Desktop operating systems). This is possible because these apps run on web-technology and not on native languages. Web-versioned apps contain a regular browser instance inside, which means that you actually open a browser on your mobile device that looks and functions like an individual app.

1Defining the target group (gender, age, social status, location)
2A description of the behavioral factors of the target group, including their actions desires, and preferred (social) media
3Research of the company strategy, goals and tactics
4Study of the competitors and identification of the company’s strengths
1Pre-project analysis
2Writing of the technical analysis and proposition
4Developing a design concept
6Front-end development
7Interaction design (IxD)
8Back-end development and CMS integration
9Filling in the content
11Launch of the website
12Support and maintenance
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