The cookie law gives website users insight in, and control over, the cookies that are being placed on their computer. The main goal of this law is to protect the user’s privacy.
This means, for you as a website owner, that you have to inform your users clearly and comprehensively about the cookies that are going to be saved on their device, and the purpose of doing so. Referring to your terms and conditions or to your privacy policy is not enough anymore. Users must be notified in an obvious way, and the user has to virtually sign an agreement about the cookies by clicking a button.
The law indicates that clients are able to report websites to the Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM). In case of a violation of user's privacy, can lead to a fine of 900.000 euros maximum for website owners.
Example of a cookie pop-up

1Identify which cookies are used by your website and find out if they fall under the Cookie law or not.
2If you have cookies that fall under the cookie law, inform the users clearly about the cookies that are going to be saved on their device.
3Allow users to accept permission.
4Allow users to decline permission. This will usually mean that some functionality of the website will become unavailable, so you should inform the user about that as well.